Community Development Block Grant - Herndon Kansas

Warning the town council of the Three E's


Dean Gotcher

(It would be helpful to study the roles people play in a facilitated meeting to better understand how this meeting transpired: see Human Relations in Curriculum Change, by Kenneth Benne)

Mayor:  Mr. Gotcher

Mr. Gotcher: Yes

Mayor: your on. 

Mr. Gotcher:

I'm still responding to what transpired in the last 2 meetings in regards to the grant [Community Development Block Grant], and I hope you put up with me like the scribes and Pharisees, who didn't stone Stephen until after he spoke.  My concern is, and I'll just give you a little premise of where I'm coming from.  Our framing fathers, (and I taught in the university, I taught at Oral Roberts University, and so I have some knowledge of history and had some really world class history [teachers].  Dr. Larson was one of the top historians in the nation.), but our framing fathers did something unique, and what it was all about was the issue of the father.  We find it in scripture    Even the Marxist Max Horkheimer said the Constitution was a result of a religious people. 

Today they talk about general systems or systems theory so socialism looks at systems, traditional people look at morals.  Two different paradigms, two different ways of looking at things.  So our nation was really founded on the issue of morals, right and wrong, it wasn't on environmental or social(ist) issues.  It was more of a very Biblical structure and so the father comes in.  In fact, I learned more about the Constitution, not from John Whitehead, who I took his classes on the Supreme Court but from studying Karl Marx who said, "Once the early father is discovered to be the secret of the heavenly father, the former must be annihilated both in theory and in practice."  What that means... and Freud said the same thing, by the way.  "It's not a matter of whether the father is alive or not, it is that he no longer functions as a father authority.And Hegel writes that "the ethics and morals of society is [found] in the children," so what you find in social-ism is a commonality of no father

Now the American Revolution was over the issue of the father. King George III was the father of the colonies.  The jurisdiction of the colonies was under him, not under parliament.  And the issue is, the father produces a conscience.  There are no two fathers, there's one, so when he tells you to take the garbage out, he gives you "It is written" and then he says "Because I said so," in other words it doesn't matter what [how] you "feel" or what you "think.There are standards that are given.

And so, King George III was over the colonies.  After the American revolution there were 13 treaties.  Each colony George had to write a succession to.  And the issue was treason, because he had turned the colonies over to Parliament, [to] two or more, because if you and I get together and we dialogue our opinion, we'll sear our conscience.  There is no conscience in the group.  The conscience is only in the individuals.  And so, We did not get of the father figure.  We got rid of King George III, but we kept the father figure.

The French Revolution killed the father figure.  They killed the king.  And so it went to the directorate, committees, dialogue, opinions.  And, the issue is, in dialogue there is no sovereignty, there are no inalienable rights, there's no right of the individual in a dialogue.  Biblically, there is no contrition, repentance, salvation, there is no God in dialogue.  The guy who came up with Quantum physics [David Bohm] discusses discussion versus dialogue.  Discussion is: you come into the room stating this is right and that's not and you never leave your position.  It's like me telling my son come here we're going to discuss your behavior.  I don't abdicate my office.  But in dialogue, we're "equal.There is no father's authority in dialogue.  So, the form of representation we have, is our framing fathers kept the king, kept the father's authority.  Do you know who that is?  That's the citizens.

In other words, you are king of your domain.  You're king of your property.  You're king of your family.  And then we have representation, because we vote for somebody to re-present our position.  Say I come here and I present my position you disagree with me  You have an opposing position.  We then have a vote.  I might win.  I might lose, but we vote for somebody who presents our position.  That's representation.  They represent our position, so we never lose our father's authority.  You don't lose [your belief, the right to speak it in public].  I might lose [the majority vote], but I can leave with my belief.  See, or if I win, I leave with my belief [and even though you might lose the majority vote, you leave with your belief].  And it does affect: so we actually pay attention to who's in office.  That's representation form of government.  In fact, the representatives are children.  It's like the father [the citizens] sending the child [the re-presentitive of the Father's position] to the store to buy stuff.  Now if the child [the representative] doesn't re-present the father[the citizen's position], he spends His [the Father's, the citizens] money on his own interest.  What does the father do?  He doesn't send him to the store anymore with His money.  You do the same thing with your elected official.  If he doesn't re-present you, you don't send  him to the store with your money anymore. But when the representatives get into a committee and they go "how do you 'feel' what do you 'think,'" that's opinion.  There's no representation. 

And, what happened to our federal government was the departments all have this thing called consensus. "How do you 'feel,' what do you 'think?'"  Not conscience.  Conscience is one [what is right].  Consensus is the group [how do you all 'feel' and what do you all 'think,' striving for a "feeling" of "oneness"].  That's the French Revolution, that was the directorate of the French Revolution.  And so our representatives gave us a father structure, the citizens have authority over their property.  That's where we get our inalienable rights, they come from one, come from God.  In fact, at the end of your oath you all swore into office with "so help me God."  That deals with the soul of an individual.  Because we will all stand [as individuals] before God accountable to our Heavenly Father for our [individual] thoughts and actions.  So we never leave that "top-down" structure [the patriarchal paradigm]. 

But when you go to the dialectic, and that's what I talk about.  Some nights I'll spent 4 hours talking to legislators on [explaining] the dialectic process.  In that dialectic process, in that consensus process, there is no Father's authority. You lose representation form of government.

Now, when you go to the community development block grant—you go look for the "three E's.You'll find those "three E's," and I'll explain that.  The "three E's" you find in the block grant, you'll find it in HUD, you'll find it in sustainable development, you'll find it in Agenda 21, you'll find it in the UN.  You'll find it from the Rio Conference which is a globalist system.  So the UN, all the way down to the grant, requires a diverse group (this is a system now), diverse group, we all have that, you come in here we're different from one another, you'll always have diversity.  But it's not that.  We had a poll—now when I attended the meetings here it was on the water issue in Herndon.  All of a sudden we had a poll issue on what?  Economics!  That's a socialist issue.  On race!  A socialist issue.  And environment!  Now that didn't come clear, but it's all about environment.  And so what are the three platforms of the UN, sustainable development, Agenda 21, HUD and the grant?  "Environmental, Economic, and Ethnicity," the "three E's."  That's the principles and the system of the French revolution.  There is no representation in that system. 

So, I'm telling the town council here, you did an act of treason, because you gave authority to a foreign entity that has policy over my land.  The Constitution defines treason as depriving a person of their property.  That's why we had the revolutionary war.  So, you can tell I'm upset, not over the money, but because you abdicated your constitutional right to defend the inalienable rights in a representative form of government.  Those grants and those surveys—in fact I don't know if you got a survey request from the federal government.  Did you know—read The Constitution.  That census is once [ever ten] year[s], and there is only one answer to the census.  Do you know what it is?  In the constitution? You have two people in your home.  Your answer is two.  What is the color of your hair?  Two.  How much water do you use?  Two.  That's your only Constitutional obligation, because it determines your representation. 

They are now taking polls and surveys, feasibility studies, circumventing representative form of government.  That's how this process works.   That's a politburo system.  That's a soviet system.  So don't abdicate your office.  Now I'm scolding you like a father scolding a child.  Because this is awful stuff.  This is taking over this whole nation.  And,  I'll tell you, you don't have to worry about what I'm saying tonight.  Nobody that I know that knows what is going on has ever won.  Arizona is doing a pretty good job, but their losing.  In fact, I would encourage the town council to declare a statement in opposition to these grants. 

[The grant money] is debt money.  Where does that money come from?  Our debt.  A friend of mine told me, he gives a perfect example, "The grant money is you drinking your own blood.

TCM (f), A Town Council Member's response (female):  Well, do you have 650,000 dollars on you?

Mr. Gotcher:  Not to commit treason!  I'm not "gonna go" down to the loan shark down there and put my family and my property into debt.

TCM (f):  We all own our property here.

Mr. Gotcher:  When you go to this system, we're talking systems, you tie to the UN, you circumvent—I don't care what Atwood does, I don't care what MacDonald does, I live in Herndon.  This is a sovereign entity.  You can shoot holes in your boat all you want, but you're shooting holes in my boat.

GR (m), i.e. Response from audience (male—who is likely to "represent" the town council at the grant meeting):  I don't think it's fair what you're doing to them at all.  For two very important reasons.

Mr. Gotcher:  I don't care about fair, the UN talks about fair.  It's [an issue of] right.

GR (m):   I'm telling you your wrong for ...

Mr. Gotcher. Let me finish. 

GR (m) interrupting

Mr. Gotcher: Let me finish.  Robert's Rules allows me to finish.  The next time then, you take those rifles at the 21 gun salute, you aim them at those soldiers that died, because they died for the Constitution, not so that you can get in a room and say we need money.  You are drunk on the money.  It is a seducing system.  You know what the system does.  It seduces you. You've got candy.  

GR (m) interrupting 

Mr. Gotcher:  Let me finish.  It seduces you with the [free money] money.  It deceives you because it says its about the water in Herndon.  All of a sudden, what do we have?  A socialist agenda.  How much money do you make?  How many people in your home?  [It also asked what race you were, leaving out Hispanic from the list, asking you, in the next column, what percentage you are Hispanic] And then it manipulates you and sends people to represent you in subcommittees that dialogue how they "feel" and what they "think" and the citizens of Herndon have to follow policy of how much water they can use, what plants you can water, and you did it with that grant.  That's what that grant is all about.  You don't have to listen to me.  The citizens of Germany didn't listen to Jews who were warning [their friends and countrymen] about Hitler.  We know that because they came to the United States.  It's socialism.  It's not a constitutional republic, which you swore to defend.  I'm talking systems.  And yes I am emotional, but I believe that every soldier who died for this nation died emotionally. 

TCM (f):  I had two that died.

Mr. Gotcher:  So don't give up their rights and my rights.

TCM (f):  And I was in the service too.

Mr. Gotcher:  Don't send it down to that subcommittee that circumvents our representative form of government.

TCM (f):  I've lived in 22 states and we have to beg to get some money to fix something every state has done it.

Mr. Gotcher:  I live in Herndon.  If you want to practice treason, you practice it.  But I will oppose you.  I didn't come here to be anybody's enemy.  I came here—basically I love my independence I love being private, but 10 years from now, and I'm saying this tonight because 10 years from now, you go this route, you're going to know that what I said is true.  But I don't want to go down that road. 

And I say to you, shame on you, shame on you, I have to say shame on you because you don't understand the principles why we had a revolution.  So you trash the Constitution, the Supreme Court does it, but you didn't swear to defend the Supreme Court, you didn't swear to defend the president, you didn't swear to defend the legislators, you swore to defend my Constitutional representative form of government. 

You can get the money somewhere else, we've got ingenuity, but don't sell my soul to this beast.  Now I've got some papers, if you want to read, that has history and quotes.  I spent 5 years reading over 600 social-psychology books, so I would know, so don't get drunk with the money.  That's the Trojan Horse.  I'm trying to push the Trojan Horse out of the town.

TCM (f):  I understand that. But I want to, calm down a minute,

Mr. Gotcher:  No, I'm calm.

TCM (f):  I know, I'm not.  Cause when I get mad, I'm mad .... so don't get me mad, okay?

Mr. Gotcher:  Because I'm dealing with my life.

TCM (f):  We're trying to deal with this town to get decent utility service.

Mr. Gotcher:  That's right, but stay under the Constitution you swore oath under.

TCM (f): Yes, sir.

Someone in audience:  Sir, if you don't like Herndon, don't like the rules, buy you some land on a farm in the area, build you a house, and you can make your own rules on that land.

Mr. Gotcher:  I'm not making any rules.  I'm defending the rules you swore to defend.  I'm defending the rules they swore to defend.  It is a rotten system.  It's a corrupt system and it has oppressed people around the world.  I have people coming from the Soviet Union listening to my meetings and they come up in dread.  They're going to Canada, because we're stupid.  We don't even know what we're doing, at least in Canada they do know what socialism is.  So you can live in your ignorance.  I've read the books of the liberals.  I have them come to my meetings.  They can't refute a word I say, because I quote their material.  They actually even admit that.  Then they say they don't like me.  You don't have to like me, but you have to do what's right.   Because doing what is right is your conscience. 

Now you have two choices, you can either defend the Constitution and go to bed at night, even losing, with a clear conscience, or you can go to bed and sleep peaceful tonight with no conscience because you are no longer concerned about right and wrong, you're concerned about the money someone is offering you, like a drug pusher down at the corner offering you drugs.

TCM (f):  Can I say something.  Did you pay cash for your house, not this one, but your original first one.

Mr. Gotcher:  This is my first one.

TCM (f):  You haven't been here all these years.  Right?

Mr. Gotcher:  10 years

TCM (f):   Well, I've only been here 6.  I've been in the country for a long time, off and on, we came back here to take care of my mother-in-law.  But that's beside the point.  The point is the first time you bought your home car or anything, you borrowed and you paid it back. 

Mr. Gotcher:  Sure, Sure. [I forgot I paid cash on an old fixer-upper]

TCM (f):  And that's what we are doing.  We are borrowing ...

Mr. Gotcher:   No. The grant has strings tied to it.  (background voices)  The grant ties you to agenda 21, sustainable development, the UN.

Mayor:  I understand what you are saying, and we could talk about this all night, but we need to kind of ...

Mr. Gotcher:  I'll tell you what, I can actually, I will lose, but I can take you all to court for treason.

TCM (f):  Go ahead.  Try it.  Damn it.  You do it.  I'll give you my social security number ....

(Background voices)

Mr. Gotcher:  So you don't care about the Constitution.

TCM (f):  I'm sorry

Mr. Gotcher:  You don't care about representative form of government. 


Mr. Gotcher:  You don't.  If you go to that grant you don't.

TCM (f):  I ain't listening to you no more.

GR (m) interrupting:

Mr. Gotcher:  Okay.  Ignorance is bliss.  [in response to the person interrupting] My son earned a degree in business management and he admits that is what he was trained in.

GR (m):  All I've got is two things.  I understand what you are saying.

Mr. Gotcher:  No you don't.  

GR (m):  Yes I do.

Mr. Gotcher:  No.  If you did you would be upset too.

GR (m):   I gave you yours,

Mr. Gotcher:   Don't lie to me. (pause) Don't lie to me.

GR (m):  Allow me two things, You need to apologize to these people.

Mr. Gotcher:  No, I will not apologize, because it's Constitutional.

GR (m):  Dean, Dean let him speak.

Man:  For two things that you said that are wrong.  They had absolutely nothing, no one in this room had to do with that survey.  We didn't ask for it.  We didn't look at it.  It was not us.  No...wait, wait.  It was not us in one bit, iota, period.  We had nothing to do with that survey.

Lady:  We didn't.

[The survey was announced in the prior town hall meeting by a lady from Atwood, Jessica Meas, heading up Rawlins County Economic Development, who stated she was sending out the survey to the residence of Atwood, Herndon, and McDonald (bringing the cities together under one umbrella grant).  Which was sent, with our town councils secretary's name on it.  The citizens of Herndon were encouraged to fill it out the survey, regarding income, race, number of families in the home, etc. for the purpose of receiving the Community Development Block Grant—Contractors or NGO's, under UN recognition, getting the money for work done in the communities as well as the grant writers themselves getting paid, pushing naturally for more grants, i.e. encoring more debt money spent to initiate and sustain socialism throughout the states and the nation, i.e. from the small towns up.  Once you get the "free money" it is harder to turn it down the next time, the next time, etc. until you are owned by the "pushers" of the grant, who get paid to push it.  All the time the town, the state, the nation comes under UN, i.e. environmental mandates.]

GR (m):  Two, we have not accepted any money.

Mr. Gotcher:  Okay.  I accept that [that they had not accepted any money].

GR (m):  And you said we did, you said they did...  And I would appreciate it if you would apologize to them for accusing them of something they didn't do.

Mr. Gotcher:  No.  Let me explain. 

GR (m):  I don't want to hear it...

Mr. Gotcher:  Let me explain.  You passed pursuing the grant.  They approved the grant—going looking for it.  No.  Don't even go there.  [Instead of doing their own homework they turn to the spider himself, as a fly asking the spider if it is safe to stay at his place for the night.  By going to the grant meeting, they have to participate in the process of treason itself, their "lust" for free money being the bait to draw them into the system of 'change,' into a non-representative form of government, where departments turn policy making from a representative form of government to socialist engendering mission statement.]

TCM (f):  That was step one.

Mr. Gotcher:  If you don't know what your signing.  Do you go down and sign something you haven't ... I talked to a church member whose minister said they were going to do a certain program in our church, and I asked him, Did you read the material?  He said, No the minister said he wanted us to go along with the congregation.  I told him, I use to build houses.  I'll build you a house and at the end I'll show you the blueprint.  Only a fool would do that.  Do you know where you can find the grant?  If you live in Colorado, do you know where you can find the grant to read it?  One place, the library in Pueblo.  There is only three libraries in the state of Kansas that has that full grant.  Huh!  I think you all should read it before you even pursue it.  It's hard to get a hold of [for obvious reasons]. 

TCM (m):  He is just going to find out and ask if there is anything tied to this money.

Mr. Gotcher:  I asked. 

TCM (m):  So we can make our decision at that point.

Mr. Gotcher:  What is tied to the money is economics.  We saw it in the survey, didn't we?   We didn't vote that survey.  I was here, I know that.  I'm just telling you, though, you need to check things out, especially today.  Because what comes with all these grants across this nation is economics, now we're into socialism.  Environmental, what plants are you raising, and equality, that's cash, and it's low income.  All I have to do by the way is get the low income in the town together and before long we have class consciousness, the oppressed-oppressor.  We don't have that in Herndon.  There are people who have no money, but they're happy.  I don't have much money, but I'm happy.  I can go out in the backyard and I can dig a hole.  I can do what I want to do.  My son lives in Colorado, he can't even collect the water off his roof. 

Comment from someone on the council: No. I know that.

Mr. Gotcher:  We want to go there?  You want to go there?  That's what your getting with this grant.   I'm just telling you the rest of the story.  You don't have to like me, you can get mad at me, but you are going to pay the piper.  We already saw it demonstrated.  What did you do?  You trusted somebody who came in and said it's just a water issue and all of a sudden we are into a socialist issue.  Bait and switch.  And this is happening all over this nation.

Comment from someone on the council:  Yah, but we have agreed that they're just going to go and find out and come back and tell us.

Mr. Gotcher:  Oh, they're not [going to tell you what they are doing]... If I was doing this grant, I'm not going to tell you up front what I'm doing. 

(Discussion between several TCM's)

Mayor:  Nothing can be done without our approval.  He's going to come back.

TCM (m):  When that was brought up he said that they were going to inquire if there were any strings attached to that grant.

Mr. Gotcher:  It's the procedure that's the strings.  It's the procedure.  It's the procedure being used.  It's the system being used, and I'm telling you, it's the same system as the politburo system of the soviet union [Government run by departments which use the consensus process to initiate and sustain policy].  Lenin came out of the Mir's of Russia, same system. But your not taught this system.

TCM (m):  Let's just wait and see what these guys come back with in August.  We can say no or yes.  That is where it is at.

Mr. Gotcher:   But you've already had somebody come in ... You know what happened in Israel?  (background interruption)  Let me finish with this Biblical example. An emissary from Babylon came into Israel and went into the temple and saw the gold.  Somebody's come into this town and seen what they can work with people, their "feelings," because if I can attach feelings to you, feelings to whatever I can seduce you with.  I own you.  You will crucify anybody who stands in your town council and tries to warn you.  I'm done.

Man:  We're not going to agree to something that has strings.

Mr. Gotcher:  They're not going to tell you.

GR (m)We as a city haven't done anything.  We've literally done absolutely nothing.

Mr. Gotcher:  Yes, you have.

GR (m):  What did we do? 

Mr. Gotcher:  You pursued the grant.

GR (m):  No we have not.

TCM (f):  No, we haven't.  The first step was that man.  That was it.

Mr. Gotcher:  I was sitting here and you agreed unanimously to pursue the grant.

GR (m):  But we have not. Yet.

Mr. Gotcher:  Okay. But I'm just warning you.

Mayor:  But we haven't filled anything out.  We haven't sent anything in.  

Mr. Gotcher:  But a survey just came into this town.

GR (m):  That's exactly what I just told you, but that had nothing to do with that.

Mr. Gotcher:  But that is the grant.  That's the grant.  It's regionalizing.

GR (m):  You are talking to the wrong people.

Mr. Gotcher:   But I'm warning you.  That's all I'm saying.  Don't go there.

GR (m):  But you are accusing the wrong people of doing things they haven't done.

Mr. Gotcher:  They agreed to pursue it.  Why would you pursue something that lethal.

GR (m):   We haven't done anything.  You're accusing them of committing treason.

Mr. Gotcher:  Absolutely.

Mayor:   You are, and we haven't done anything.

(talking in background:  Right now it is going nowhere. Hang on a second.)

Mayor:  Dean, Thank you for speaking your mind. 

Mr. Gotcher:  Any way if you want to know [holding up article on the subject].

Mayor:  You want to leave a couple over here?

Mr. Gotcher:  (comment by some saying they already have one, i.e. one I wrote up earlier)

This is new, this is a lot more reading.  And actually tonight I put on the 3Es if you want to get on my website I have the 3Es that tie it directly to the grant from the UN.

Mayor:  I'll take one of your papers anyway.  Anyway, thanks for staying and talking ...

Mr. Gotcher:  And warning.

Mayor:  Not real popular warning.  I agree with most of what you said.  I understand what you are talking about.  When you sign your name on the dotted line to the government they own you.

Mr. Gotcher:  That's right.

Mayor:  I understand that.

Mr. Gotcher:  They own me too if you go this way.

Mayor:  I'm talking.  Robert's rules right?

Mr. Gotcher:  Robert's Rules, right.

Mayor:   All we said while you were at this meeting was let's go ahead and look at it and see what we can do.  See if this is something we want to do.    This survey came from the county.  It did not come from us.  It did not come because we were looking at a grant.  It had nothing to do with that.  They were going to do that even if we had never even talked about a grant.   They would have done that already because of the people over there in Rawlins county that want to do this kind of stuff.

Mr. Gotcher:  But it's all interconnected. 

Mayor:  I agree with that, but it had nothing to do with this city council and had nothing to do with this water at this time.  That was their deal.

Mr. Gotcher:  Solve the water problem with no strings, please.

Man:  Okay.

Mr. Gotcher:  That's what I'm wanting.  Do it representative ... I don't want to have our community moved out of representation. Go ahead, yah,  ...

Mayor:  We are going to.. you can't do something without looking at it first.  You can decide not to do it, but you can't do that without looking at it first.  So, we're going to look at this. We're not proceeding, we're not signing an dotted line.  We haven't signed anything.   We've told the engineers to come up with a plan to tell us how to fix our system.  That's what we told them to go ahead on.

Mr. Gotcher:  And I was here.  That was good.  I liked that.

Mayor:  That's what we said we were doing.  We're going to look at this grant.  Are we going to take it?  We don't know.  We haven't even looked at it yet.  We haven't talked to the people that are involved yet.   I know that HUD's involved and I don't like that.  I don't like HUD.  I don't like any of these big grant things.  I don't like them.  And, like I told you personally before there may be a way that we won't have to use any kind of money except a loan from a bank.

Mr. Gotcher:  That's right.  That's good.

Mayor:   And if that is the case, we will never, ever look at a grant.

Mr. Gotcher:  I don't mind a grant. You can get somebodies honest grant, I'm just saying read it.  Read it. 

Mayor:   We will.

Mr. Gotcher:  Know the rest of the story.

Mayor:  I do not want to be caught and honed by somebody else.  I live in Herndon, Kansas.  I own my own place.  I want to do my own thing.  I want to dig a hole in my backyard if I want to.

Mr. Gotcher:  I hope you understand why I'm upset.

Mayor:  I do.  I understand that.  That's why I say thank you.  You know because I want passionate people to share their facts.  A lot of people don't agree with it and that's fine.  A lot of people don't agree with me and that's fine.  But, we are going to move on now.

TCM (f):  I just want to say I'm sorry, I got worked up.

Mayor:   Thank you.

Mr. Gotcher:  I understand by the way.  I get worked up too.

Mayor:  Me too.

TCM (f):  I'm still shaking but..

TCM (m):  Dean, do you own a cell phone? 

Dean:  Yes sir.

TCM (m):  If push comes to shove throw the thing in a damn hole, because the can trace you wherever you are going.

DeanOh I now that. But I am not going to go there.  I am just saying look at structures.  Don't go with the grant. 

Mayor:  OK.  Lets move on.